Digital Hive

About us

Get To Know Us More

Digital Hive came to life with the idea of creating a one-stop place for all the tools that a modern designer might need in its day-to-day routine.
We thrive to bring you the best of the best for each of our tattoo flash, graphics, multimedia assets, web and design resources.

As tattooist, designer and developer, we were always looking for the one place to quench our thirst of quality resources to make our work easier and give us inspiration.
Doing so we realized that we could offer those ourselves bringing to the table our own creative designs and also create a community around our work.

Please enjoy going through what we offer, and if you like what we do,
please spread the word so that all can benefit from our hard loving work.


Can I use your resources for a commercial project?

Yes, both personal and commercial projects. You can modify any resources to your liking to fit into your project.

Is there some download limit?

No. There is no download limit, you can download any resources as much as you want. Don’t forget to share what you find here around you and enjoy.

What do you do with my personal information?

We mean no evil. We use it to keep you up to date with what we do here. You can unsubscribe to any newsletter we might send you whenever you want.

Why did you make this website?

We thought that we could bring something new and fresh to the design resource community by achieving outstanding quality in the creation of our resources and show our modest talent to the world. We also wanted to create a membership system to be able to slowly create a community around our project and offer a wide range of services to make you a happy fellow.

Who are you?

We are a bunch of designers and programmers that created this project to showcase what we can do. We are passionate about design and the web and love sharing stuff with everybody. In February 2018, we created Digital Hive on Lazada Ph, but this year we decide to make our own platform to reach wider community.

Can I hire you for some freelance work?

Yes you can. You can contact us on the HIRE US section through the contact form to tell us about your project. If there is a fit, we will gladly work with you.

I love what you do, how can I share the feeling?

Want to thank us? Subscribe to our rss feed, newsletter, follow us on twitter or/and facebook, spread the word and why not register for a premium or free account for more resources and giving us your word on how to make us better….

Fast Working

From artwork to techniques up to your skin, is a project that is run 100% by tattooers and individuals in the tattoo industry.

Our mission

We want to make your work easier in order to help you boost traffic and engagement on your marketing creatives in less time.

Contact us


Awesome right? Please spread the word :)